The Capstone Communication Living-Learning Community (LLC), housed in John England Jr. Hall, is designed to connect students exploring careers in communication or media. This vibrant community allows students to live, learn, and study alongside peers who share similar interests. Members participate in a range of social, academic and creative activities both on- and off-campus.
Have questions? Check out our FAQ.
- Live with other first-year C&IS students and take two common classes each semester
- Learn from resident advisors and peer leaders who are current C&IS students
- Participate in community events throughout the semester
- Engage in exclusive networking opportunities with C&IS faculty and staff
Curriculum and Courses
Members of the LLC take the following classes together:
- Fall Semester: CIS 100 (Freshman Compass Seminar) and MC 101 (Intro to Mass Communications)
- Spring Semester: COM 123 (Public Speaking) and CIS 295 (Special Topics Seminar – Media & Diversity)
Eligibility and Application Process
- LLC members must be first-year students with a declared major in C&IS.
- Limited spaces are available, and applications are accepted on a rolling bass until all spots are filled.
- Interested students are encouraged to apply by March 1 via the online application linked below.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I also need to apply for housing?
Yes, the LLC application is separate from the housing application. Please apply for housing first in order to prevent any delays in processing.
I already submitted my housing application, but I didn’t choose John England Jr. Hall as my preference. What do I do?
You do not need to take any action to change your housing preference. Once accepted into the LLC, we will override your housing placement and manually assign you to John England Jr. Hall.
Can I pick my own roommate?
Yes, as long as they are also a member of the Capstone Communication LLC. You may not room with a student who is not participating in the LLC.
How do I enroll in the required classes?
You will be given instructions on how to register for the designated sections of required courses before your registration time opens. Please check your Crimson email account for updates. You may not change your enrollment in these courses.
Are there any costs associated with participating in the LLC?
Outside of room and board fees paid through Housing and Residential Communities, there are no extra costs to participate in the LLC.